Littal Shemer Haim

People Analytics, HR Data Strategy, Organizational Research – Consultant, Mentor, Speaker, Influencer

My Collection of People Analytics Tutorials and Simulations

People Analytics tutorials and simulations, including: Predicting employee attrition, Gender pay gap, Employee engagement survey, Employee evaluation process
Photography by Littal Shemer Haim ©
(Reading Time: 3 minutes)

Since 2016, I’ve been sharing in this blog many kinds of content that aimed to push the People Analytics profession forwards. I published interviews with colleagues and clients; I covered conferences and events; I updated my famous list of books and explores tech solutions; I expressed my opinions and shared many experiences. But I think that among the most valuable texts, if I may judge based on google analytics, are the tutorials and simulations. So, for your convenience, and hopefully, for your continuous learning, here’s a collection of articles. Stay tuned! So much more to come in 2020!
(Updated on December 23th, 2019, Total resources: 4)

Predicting Employee Attrition: R vs AI

(February 2017) We are all familiar with the story of David and Goliath, a shepherd who has defeated a mighty warrior, and the allegory of the underdog beating the giant. Is this story applicable to “People Analytics”? In our fictional battle today, the giant would be R, the super-power open-source programming language. The underdog would be DMWay, the “new kid in town”: An Israeli start-up that develops an AI approach to predictive analytics, and claims to enable faster and better predictive models. Will their combat end as the old myth? Which of the two rivals enables us to build better predictive models? What can we learn from their contest about “People Analytics” practices? Let’s begin the fight in the arena of predicting employee attrition… Read More

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Gender Pay Gap and People Analytics: A Practice with Open Data

(January 2019) Educating and mentoring HR professionals to embrace the practices of People Analytics is a challenge. There are barriers, and it takes time and effort to overcome them. However, one issue remained unsolved for years: The lack of open HR data to practice on. Although there are many inspiring case studies of People Analytics, obviously, organizations don’t share their people data for the sake of learning. Simulation-based data may be an alternative, though usually it is oversimplified and lacks real or interesting patterns to explore. In my recent teaching initiatives, e.g., the People Analytics session in Lahav Executive Education at the University of Tel Aviv, I wanted to demonstrate HR managers that their academic background, professional experience, and their common sense, is enough for exploring organizational occurrences and effects based on data… Read More

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Employee Engagement Survey: 3 essential processes that follow data collection

(January 2017) Employee engagement is defined as an “emotional attachment” of employees to the company, and the efforts they are willing to offer as a result. Measuring employee engagement in a survey may determine how avid employees are, regarding their jobs and roles, how valued they feel at work, and how they consider in the company’s values and missions. Employee engagement is associated with desired business outcomes, including productivity creativity, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Employee Engagement Surveys are conducted annually, among the entire workforce in the company. Traditionally, the survey analysis and results include a measurement of employee engagement and organizational practices that may elicit or influence it. In addition, the analysis provides insights in regards to certain employee groups (organizational, sectoral, or demographic groups)… Read More

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Effectiveness of employee evaluation process

(October 2016) Many organizations conduct periodical employee evaluations. Traditionally, the evaluation process is performed by managers or supervisors, but some organizations expand the process to include other participants, i.e., professional managers, colleagues, and employees themselves. The employee evaluation consists of a variety of subjects, which usually includes an assessment of performance, both in mission and interpersonal aspects, a comparison between performance and expectations or goals, identification of training and professional development needs, promotion, and compensation. The organization provides the participants with tools and resources: structured assessment forms, computerized feedback platforms, relevant training, schedules, and appropriate conditions for the feedback conversation. Considering the huge investment in the employee evaluation process and the organizational capacity that the process takes, a new managerial need emerges… Read More

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Picture of Littal Shemer Haim

Littal Shemer Haim

Littal Shemer Haim brings Data Science into HR activities, to guide organizations to base decision-making about people on data. Her vast experience in applied research, keen usage of statistical modeling, constant exposure to new technologies, and genuine interest in people’s lives, all led her to focus nowadays on HR Data Strategy, People Analytics, and Organizational Research.

+70 Articles

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The People Analytics Journey, an introductory course for HR professionals, covers real-world use cases of analytics and enables them to be familiar with data science terms and competencies.

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