Littal Shemer Haim

People Analytics, HR Data Strategy, Organizational Research – Consultant, Mentor, Speaker, Influencer

HR and Tech Evangelists in HackingHR Manhattan

My experience and key takeaways from Manhattan chapter of Hacking-HR, a professional community event where I had the opportunity to meet some thought leaders in HR and Tech.
Photography by Littal Shemer Haim ©
(Reading Time: 2 minutes)

April 2019, I crossed the ocean to meet colleagues and clients in the Big Apple. A highlight of my journey to Manhattan was HackingHR, a professional community event where I met and was inspired by influencers and thought leaders in HR and Tech.


Hacking-HR – Who?

Hacking-HR is a global forum for collaboration, networking, and discussion about HR, technology, and the workplace of the future. Founded by Enrique Rubio, the community explores the way HR and tech interact to impact the future of work — when, where and how we work, who we work with, and what skills the organizational leaders of tomorrow will need. This is a community of like-minded HR and tech professionals and enthusiasts interested in human development and in technology, and in how to make them work for the benefit of everybody. The community’s purpose is to empower the future of HR through engaging conversations, world-class speakers, and events in every city of the world.

Hacking-HR Manhattan

The NYC event was a unique opportunity to explore, within two hours or so, a variety of challenges that HR practitioners must face today, from completely different professional angles. How was it possible in such a short time?

The program included five presentations, eight minutes each, and a Q&A session with the entire speakers. The event was successfully moderated by Jill Katz, who did not only kept the time but also energized the audience and encouraged them to ask questions. Hard questions, if I may judge.

Since I shared some posts on social media during the event, I witnessed the FOMO (fear of missing out) of my colleagues. So, for all of you who missed the event, here are my key takeaways. However, we are all fortunate to have access to the entire presentations on YouTube. Hurray!

Marc Effron, President at The Talent Strategy Group, presented three points that HR should focus on in the age of millennials workforce: Big goals that deliver big results; Accountability in diversity efforts; and Being intelligent consumers who and not distracted by shiny tools. Link to presentation

David Mathison, Chairman, CEO and Founder of CDO Club, described the growing demand for CDOs (Chief Data Officers) and their strategic role in organizations. Link to presentation

Margaret Regan, President & CEO at The Future Work Institute, Inc. emphasized questions about being a human in the next decade when we’ll have virtual identities and virtual learning environments and experiences. She shared her concerns about ethics and biases in AI. Link to presentation

Mariam Kakkar, Chief Talent Development Unit at UNDP shared her experience about moving forward in Talent Management while using internal resources and creativity, so lack of budget won’t inhibit progress. Link to presentation

Anna A. Tavis, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Human Capital Management, Academic Director at New York University, focused on the new workplace design, and the need to create a customer experience in HR services, to enable employees to become a better version of themselves. Link to presentation

So, what next? Hacking-HR Tel Aviv!

Next month HackingHR will arrive, for the first time, to Tel Aviv. Who will be the speakers? What will be discussed? Save the date — May 23rd, 2019 — and stay tuned! Hint: I’ll be one of the speakers and bring a brand-new agenda related to HR-Tech and the future role of HR. Looking forward!

Picture of Littal Shemer Haim

Littal Shemer Haim

Littal Shemer Haim brings Data Science into HR activities, to guide organizations to base decision-making about people on data. Her vast experience in applied research, keen usage of statistical modeling, constant exposure to new technologies, and genuine interest in people’s lives, all led her to focus nowadays on HR Data Strategy, People Analytics, and Organizational Research.

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